Want a good metallic PETG filament?
My oldest wanted a full-size sword for her Halloween costume. It needed to be large, durable, and require a minimum of post-processing. Normally I’d go with PLA for a metallic, but I wanted PETG or ABS due to the durability requirement.
I ended up selecting JAREES Metallic Silver PETG (1.75mm). I've not really used silk PETG before, but I assumed it would still be better than PLA for this application.
Upon receiving the spool, there were a couple things I didn't like:
1.) the spool was warped/deformed - presumably from the vacuum sealing of the bag, but I haven't seen that before now with any other filament I've ever gotten... anywhere
2.) the filament isn't wound cleanly. It's hard to explain exactly, but the filament has crimps throughout that keep the filament from laying straight - or from laying flat.
Despite those issues, I haven't had any snags, tangles, or feed problems with the JAREES filament. The printed quality is quite good. The finish is shiny, and not quite metallic. Within the limits of what you can do with unpainted plastic, though, the result is nice. I printed at high speed on a Creality K1C with no issues. I would imagine that putting in the time to sand and polish this PETG would probably yield a prop-level finish.
At $17 (with 10% off coupon, at the time of this review), the price is excellent.
If you want this filament, please click through the link above. It won’t cost you any more, but it will give me a tiny bit through the Amazon Affiliate program. Thanks!